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  • UniLend (UFT)
  • Newscrypto (NWC)
  • Prosper (PROS)
  • Attention Token of Media (ATM)
  • PowerPool (CVP)
  • Pluton (PLU)
  • Ethereum Push Notification Servi (PUSH)
  • Valorbit (VAL)
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Price data updated 5 minutes and 3 seconds ago.

623 UniLend (UFT) $0.25{100,66,49,35,16,18,10,24,18,20,18,0,8}+0.72%79,050,222$538,3705.77 %$19,929,264
- Newscrypto (NWC) $0.08{100,95,94,98,95,88,87,36,39,4,23,1,0}+7.43%150,400,834$4,8270.08 %$10,840,902
701 Prosper (PROS) $0.29{100,72,38,43,51,33,17,44,29,33,31,0,18}+0.16%32,586,580$491,4106.82 %$9,541,163
- Attention Token of Media (ATM) $1.39{100,73,49,50,44,26,22,33,25,32,31,0,8}-19.73%$501,8050.00 %$0
- PowerPool (CVP) $0.03{71,81,52,45,7,10,0,7,21,100,92,53,51}+0.77%$90,3770.00 %$0
- Pluton (PLU) $2.36{76,100,72,50,48,51,45,41,22,14,14,0,0}+0.04%$305,8470.00 %$0
- Ethereum Push Notification Servi (PUSH) $0.06{98,86,100,87,65,45,70,57,50,38,31,0,21}+5.00%$78,0540.00 %$0
- Valorbit (VAL) $1.01{100,83,53,57,55,67,59,57,33,32,24,0,3}+1.35%$16,0170.00 %$0