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Price data for `2016-01-08`

Previous dayNext day Live
Bitcoin (BTC) $456.160.00%
$0.000.00 null
% of total0.00%
Ethereum (ETH) $0.940.00%
$0.000.00 null
% of total0.00%
XRP (XRP) $0.000.00%
$0.000.00 null
% of total0.00%
Tether (USDT) $0.00-
$0.000.00 null
% of total0.00%
Binance Coin (BNB) $0.00-
$0.000.00 null
% of total0.00%
Cardano (ADA) $0.00-
$0.000.00 null
% of total0.00%
Polkadot (DOT) $0.00-
$0.000.00 null
% of total0.00%
Litecoin (LTC) $3.590.00%
$0.000.00 null
% of total0.00%
Uniswap (UNI) $0.00-
$0.000.00 null
% of total0.00%
Dogecoin (DOGE) $0.000.00%
$0.000.00 null
% of total0.00%
Coin total -
0.00 null0.00 null

Coin amounts are only ever stored in the browser and used for local calculations.